TLC Package

Receive the caring support you need while navigating through a difficult phase in your life, or you would just like to feel held for a while.

I have a big heart and offer practical, sovereign emotional support to you, for a period of up to 30 days.

What's Included: tailor a package for yourself

-Katie's Cafe participation (in person or online)
-2 sovereignty sessions (1.5 hour consultation to address your concerns in a practical, grounded way)
-weekly dyads (40-minute for emotional hygiene)
-hand massage (in person only)
-TLC (tender, loving care) I have permission to express care freely without fixed expectations
-email support

Feel free to contact me by email at or through this platform so we can chat to see if a month of TLC might be right for you.

Anuncio creado el 16 feb 2023

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