Food from Small Farms

I have been working with two farmers through (For one example, check out FarmMatch is a network aiming to connect consumers with foods from small farms and buying clubs - either via drops or shipments. The founder, Max Kane, is a strong advocate for local resiliency and regenerative foods. I think this is a great resource!

Raw milk:
We offer our own milk herdshare from our own cows (VA), and I am happy to help connect you with legal ways to access raw milk in your own area. One great resource is Another is to reach out to a Chapter Leader in your area - through the Weston A Price Foundation, which can be found online or through their quarterly "Wise Traditions" journal.

Buying club:
Another great place to find nutritious and organic foods made with love is through Azure Standard. They have monthly drops in towns and cities all across the country.

Anuncio creado el 30 abr 2022

Comentarios (2)

Lisa McKnight

hace 2 años

I love FarmMatch! I just bought tickets to Max Kane's birthday party in WI. Sally Fallon and many other awesome people will be there! I can't wait to see Sally again! Will you be there?

Ruth Amanda

hace 2 años

That is so awesome that you know FarmMatch and know about Max's party! Max did invite me and I would love to go if it weren't such a long long drive. I am excited to see Sally and Joel and Del this weekend though!! I hope to hear from you about the event when you come back!

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