Symphonia --A Community Inspired by Love & Nature

Seeking support for:
* land acquisition (108 acres in 4 parcels)
* eco-friendly energy & water systems
* design and building of 48 bioharmonic homes and 1 community center (for gatherings, music, art, movement & more!)
* food forests, greenhouses and gardens

Also seeking:
* like-hearted individuals to help envision and build this innovative community in alignment with nature
* creative spirits and sponsors to collaborate on making this dream for the new earth come true!

LOCATION: to be determined...!

Eintrag erfolgreich erstellt 24 Mär 2022

Öffentliche Diskussion (4)

Entfernter Benutzer

Vor 2 Jahren

Hi Ellen, I share your vision and would like to collaborate with you and others with this project!

Ann Marie Cross

Vor 2 Jahren

wonderful wonderful

Katie W

Vor 2 Jahren

Just looking at the artistic rendering of this community space feels very sparkly!


Vor 2 Jahren

Sounds wonderful! Any thoughts on which state?

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