Fine Art Paintings by JC Gaugy

Art Collector? Know an art collector? Seeking to exchange these beautiful & large paintings (acrylic on mahogany) by the father of linear expressionism, Jean-Claude Gaugy. (see more of his work here:

Seeking either cash, trade, or as a way to finance projects like purchasing community land, or to fund my time involved with innovative projects like SPARKitPLACE! & other creative new earth endeavors : )

Original gallery price for larger painting (48" x 48" plus pictured with 10" linen & gold leaf frame) was $32,000, asking equivalent in the range of $12,000.

Second painting is 42" x 42", original gallery price was $20,000, asking equivalent in the range of $8,000.

If anyone is able to help me exchange these and find them a new loving home to hang out in I’d be happy to offer a commission that feels mutually agreeable!
Message me with ideas, connections, “Yes I want to buy or trade for this” ... all are welcome!
Thanks & love! : )

Annonce créée 23 mar. 2022

Commentaires (2)

Larissa Davis

il y a 2 ans

WOW! These are so beautiful...and I can only imagine the great story of how you came to be their respresentative!


il y a 2 ans

Wow! I dont know any art connaiseurs, but wish you the best of luck

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